20 ways to Reduce Rubbish at Home

20 ways to Reduce Rubbish at Home

Here are 20 simple ways to reduce rubbish at your household consumption and do your part for the local environment.  In the consumer-driven society we live in, we’re creating more waste than ever. Not only does this clutter up our lives, it also places pressure on the environment and landfill sites. On average Australians throw away up to 21 million tonnes of waste each year, which means there’s much more we can all do to reduce our waste especially at home.

Adopting many of these will also save you money benefiting your wallet along with the environment. Now that’s a win-win!

1. Use rechargeable instead of disposable batteries for electronic devices.

2. Use microfiber and cotton cloths instead of paper towels and napkins.

3. Make a conscious effort to buy fresh food and avoid pre-packaged fresh food. When you are buying packaged goods, buy in bulk wherever possible.

4. Buy concentrated cleaning products that come in smaller bottles.

5. Bring your own reusable bags to the supermarket and on other shopping trips.

6. Opt to receive electronic bank statements, and receive utility and phone bills online

7. Don’t buy bottled water. Its something that you need not pays for. Use reusable steel bottles for the gym, or to take to work. Buy a water filter jug with replaceable filters if you’re concerned about your tap water quality or taste.

8. Compost all kitchen scraps.

9. Reuse the blank side of the household paper for shopping lists,

10. Use a battery operated razor or razors with replaceable heads instead of the disposable variety.

11. Reuse old t-shirts and towels as work rags for the laundry or garage.

12. Recycle old printer cartridges and mobile phones at office supply stores

13. Keep takeaway containers to reuse for food storage, or for lunch containers.

14. Say No to Junk mail by putting a sticker on your letterbox. These can be made yourself or purchased at many hardware stores.

15. Change to energy efficient light bulbs which need replacing far less often.

16. Buy only what you need. This can take some discipline but this will reduce food waste and save you money. Planning each daily meal is the best way to achieve this.

17. Give away or sell items that you no longer need. Charities and OP Shops are always looking for clothes, books, CDs and board games.

18. Buy digital versions of movies, books, and music. This means that it’s not wasted or thrown away when you no longer want them.

19. Keep shoe boxes, yogurt tubs and ice cream containers for storage of paintbrushes, crayons and other stationery.

20.Don’t just buy things because they are cheap. Ask yourself if you really need it or will use it. Think twice before you buy anything!

If you’ve got excess rubbish, hard waste, unwanted items, furniture or other waste sitting unused and unloved, give the team at Anything Rubbish a call. Our rubbish removal service covers all of central and north Brisbane.

We also recycle and donate reusable items to charity wherever possible, so if you need things taken away, call us today! Phone 0466 245 628


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